[pacman-dev] Redundant spaces in package information.

Viacheslav Chimishuk vchimishuk at yandex.ru
Thu Jan 21 11:15:23 UTC 2016

Hi there.

I have noticed that pacman package information output has a redundant spaces. Let me show you an example.

$ pacman -Qi pacman | grep Install
Installed Size :   3.95 MiB
Install Date   : Tue 27 Oct 2015 03:46:31 PM EET
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : No
[vchimishuk at latitude pixel-submitter] $

As you can most of lines have only one space after ':' character, but "Installed Size" has three spaces. It depends of the size value itself.
Here is a code that prints the line:

printf("%s%s%s %6.2f %s\n", config->colstr.title, titles[T_INSTALLED_SIZE], config->colstr.nocolor, size, label);

My question is next. Why do we need "6." here? It will works just fine without this extra space formatting. Is this is a bug or feature? :)

Best regards,

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