[pacman-dev] Please make the colourised output exactly like that of "pacman-color"

Xavion xavion.0 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 02:53:54 UTC 2016

Hi Allan,

Thanks for the same-day reply.  It's been a few years, so I'm guessing
everyone's memory is a bit patchy (excuse the pun).  If you take a look
earlier in this thread, you'll see that you've (basically) already approved
these changes.

It is difficult to judge the screenshots without side-by-side current vs
> patched.  But from what I can see, most of the colour used is for the
> sake of having colour.

To make things easier for you, I've just added screenshots showing the
current 'pacman' (colourised) output to the album <http://imgur.com/a/DL4ky>.
The main purpose of having the extra colours is to make it easier for the
brain to pick out the important bits (as noted earlier in this thread).

> Colour should be used to highlight the important information.  How do
> you decide the URL is more important than the dependencies for -Si? Why
> is the number of packages being installed highlighted yellow when that
> is only used for warnings?

As mentioned at/near the start of the thread, I'm mainly trying to
reproduce the old "pacman-color" output.  Having the URL in cyan and the
dependencies uncoloured is the way that "pacman-color" used to do it.
Similarly, "pacman-color" used to highlight the number of packages to be
installed in yellow.

> I'd like to see individual changes proposed, with justification of how
> they improve the readability of the pacman output.

Most of this has already been discussed earlier in the thread.  Have a read
of it when you get time and feel free to respond however you like.  I
realise that 'pacman' is your baby, and giving it tattoos is a big step :-).

Regards, Xavion.

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