[pacman-dev] Dependency Problem with bzr and makepkg
Allan McRae
allan at archlinux.org
Sun Mar 27 14:12:20 UTC 2016
On 27/03/16 23:58, Alad Wenter wrote:
> On 27.03.2016 15:39, Allan McRae wrote:
>> On 27/03/16 22:24, Andrew Gregory wrote:
>>> On 03/27/16 at 02:00pm, Tim wrote:
>>>> On 27.03.2016 13:27, Bruno Pagani wrote:
>>>>> Le 27 mars 2016 13:25:16 GMT+02:00, Andrew Gregory
>>>>> <andrew.gregory.8 at gmail.com> a écrit :
>>>>>> On 03/27/16 at 12:40pm, Tim wrote:
>>>>>>> What is the minimal required set of preintalled packages to build
>>>>>> own
>>>>>>> packages, is base-devel not enough? Or is it possible to add bzr
>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>> dependency to pacman (or move it from extra to base-devel)?
>>>>>> What do you man by "minimal required set of preinstalled packages to
>>>>>> build own packages"? The set of packages required to build something
>>>>>> depends entirely on the package you are trying to build.
>>>>> I think the question is, excepted base-devel, which packages are
>>>>> assumed to be installed on any system in order to build any
>>>>> package, outside of the makedependz of that package. So, like
>>>>> base-devel packages are not in makedepends, are there any other
>>>>> package that is in the same case?
>>>> yes, thats what I meant.
>>> The exclusion of base-devel from makedepends is an Arch policy and has
>>> nothing to do with pacman or makepkg.
>>>>> I believe not, since this is the purpose of base-devel. So, the
>>>>> issue here is rather the one you’ve pointed out: bzr.sh should not
>>>>> be sourced before bzr is installed.
>>>>> Bruno
>>>> The complete build log is available here:
>>>> https://ci.virtapi.org/job/Arch_Package_libunity/4/console
>>>> jenkins clones the AUR repo, then starts makechrootpkg. The host system
>>>> is complaining about the missing bzr package before makedepends is
>>>> being
>>>> handled. The build works after installing bzr on the host:
>>>> https://ci.virtapi.org/job/Arch_Package_libunity/6/console
>>> As you can see, makechrootpkg calls makepkg first with --verifysource.
>>> makepkg's man page clearly states that dependencies are ignored with
>>> --verifysource unless --syncdeps is also used.
>> Correct - this is a bug in Arch Linux's devtool package and the
>> makechrootpkg script. Running "makepkg -s" will work fine.
>> A
> Speaking of, where would one send patches for devtools? arch-dev-public,
> flyspray? I can't find a "Submitting patches" document for devtools.
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