[pacman-dev] [RFC] Make PKGBUILD attributes configurable

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Mon Apr 24 00:42:12 UTC 2017

On 23/04/17 10:03, Dustin Falgout wrote:
> Sure, no problem. Currently, our build server uses some custom attributes in the PKGBUILD for additional metadata needed for things like release monitoring. I would like to start using .SRCINFO files on the server because they are easier to parse and also because it would be better convention-wise.  Here's an example[1].
> [1] https://github.com/Antergos/antergos-packages/blob/master/antergos/mate/mate-desktop/PKGBUILD

I'm going to suggest that you look at scripts/libmakepkg/srcinfo.sh.in
in the pacman code base (or /usr/share/makepkg/srcinfo.sh when installed).

It would be very easy to create a script that sources that file, adds a
function to print your extend attributes and adjusts write_srcinfo() to
output the additional fields too.

Unless significant other demand for this happens, I will not be adding
this feature to makepkg itself.


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