[pacman-dev] [PATCH 3/4] meson: remove tap-driver.py, use meson's TAP protocol

Dave Reisner dreisner at archlinux.org
Sat Jun 29 16:58:27 UTC 2019

This includes a patch from Andrew to fix pactest's TAP output for
subtests. Original TAP support in meson was added in 0.50, but 0.51
contains a bugfix that ensures the test still work with the --verbose
flag passed to meson test, so let's depend on that.
I'm aware this has a merge conflict with one of Eli's meson patches,
which also bumps the meson version requirement.

 build-aux/tap-driver.py  | 296 -----------------
 meson.build              |   2 +-
 test/pacman/meson.build  | 675 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 test/pacman/tap.py       |   3 +-
 test/scripts/meson.build |   3 +-
 5 files changed, 336 insertions(+), 643 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 build-aux/tap-driver.py

diff --git a/build-aux/tap-driver.py b/build-aux/tap-driver.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c231caec..00000000
--- a/build-aux/tap-driver.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Adapted from tappy copyright (c) 2016, Matt Layman
-# MIT license
-# https://github.com/python-tap/tappy
-import io
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-class Directive(object):
-    """A representation of a result line directive."""
-    skip_pattern = re.compile(
-        r"""^SKIP\S*
-            (?P<whitespace>\s*) # Optional whitespace.
-            (?P<reason>.*)      # Slurp up the rest.""",
-        re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
-    todo_pattern = re.compile(
-        r"""^TODO\b             # The directive name
-            (?P<whitespace>\s*) # Immediately following must be whitespace.
-            (?P<reason>.*)      # Slurp up the rest.""",
-        re.IGNORECASE | re.VERBOSE)
-    def __init__(self, text):
-        """Initialize the directive by parsing the text.
-        The text is assumed to be everything after a '#\s*' on a result line.
-        """
-        self._text = text
-        self._skip = False
-        self._todo = False
-        self._reason = None
-        match = self.skip_pattern.match(text)
-        if match:
-            self._skip = True
-            self._reason = match.group('reason')
-        match = self.todo_pattern.match(text)
-        if match:
-            if match.group('whitespace'):
-                self._todo = True
-            else:
-                # Catch the case where the directive has no descriptive text.
-                if match.group('reason') == '':
-                    self._todo = True
-            self._reason = match.group('reason')
-    @property
-    def text(self):
-        """Get the entire text."""
-        return self._text
-    @property
-    def skip(self):
-        """Check if the directive is a SKIP type."""
-        return self._skip
-    @property
-    def todo(self):
-        """Check if the directive is a TODO type."""
-        return self._todo
-    @property
-    def reason(self):
-        """Get the reason for the directive."""
-        return self._reason
-class Parser(object):
-    """A parser for TAP files and lines."""
-    # ok and not ok share most of the same characteristics.
-    result_base = r"""
-        \s*                    # Optional whitespace.
-        (?P<number>\d*)        # Optional test number.
-        \s*                    # Optional whitespace.
-        (?P<description>[^#]*) # Optional description before #.
-        \#?                    # Optional directive marker.
-        \s*                    # Optional whitespace.
-        (?P<directive>.*)      # Optional directive text.
-    """
-    ok = re.compile(r'^ok' + result_base, re.VERBOSE)
-    not_ok = re.compile(r'^not\ ok' + result_base, re.VERBOSE)
-    plan = re.compile(r"""
-        ^1..(?P<expected>\d+) # Match the plan details.
-        [^#]*                 # Consume any non-hash character to confirm only
-                              # directives appear with the plan details.
-        \#?                   # Optional directive marker.
-        \s*                   # Optional whitespace.
-        (?P<directive>.*)     # Optional directive text.
-    """, re.VERBOSE)
-    diagnostic = re.compile(r'^#')
-    bail = re.compile(r"""
-        ^Bail\ out!
-        \s*            # Optional whitespace.
-        (?P<reason>.*) # Optional reason.
-    """, re.VERBOSE)
-    version = re.compile(r'^TAP version (?P<version>\d+)$')
-    def parse(self, fh):
-        """Generate tap.line.Line objects, given a file-like object `fh`.
-        `fh` may be any object that implements both the iterator and
-        context management protocol (i.e. it can be used in both a
-        "with" statement and a "for...in" statement.)
-        Trailing whitespace and newline characters will be automatically
-        stripped from the input lines.
-        """
-        with fh:
-            for line in fh:
-                yield self.parse_line(line.rstrip())
-    def parse_line(self, text):
-        """Parse a line into whatever TAP category it belongs."""
-        match = self.ok.match(text)
-        if match:
-            return self._parse_result(True, match)
-        match = self.not_ok.match(text)
-        if match:
-            return self._parse_result(False, match)
-        if self.diagnostic.match(text):
-            return ('diagnostic', text)
-        match = self.plan.match(text)
-        if match:
-            return self._parse_plan(match)
-        match = self.bail.match(text)
-        if match:
-            return ('bail', match.group('reason'))
-        match = self.version.match(text)
-        if match:
-            return self._parse_version(match)
-        return ('unknown',)
-    def _parse_plan(self, match):
-        """Parse a matching plan line."""
-        expected_tests = int(match.group('expected'))
-        directive = Directive(match.group('directive'))
-        # Only SKIP directives are allowed in the plan.
-        if directive.text and not directive.skip:
-            return ('unknown',)
-        return ('plan', expected_tests, directive)
-    def _parse_result(self, ok, match):
-        """Parse a matching result line into a result instance."""
-        return ('result', ok, match.group('number'),
-            match.group('description').strip(),
-            Directive(match.group('directive')))
-    def _parse_version(self, match):
-        version = int(match.group('version'))
-        if version < self.TAP_MINIMUM_DECLARED_VERSION:
-            raise ValueError('It is an error to explicitly specify '
-                             'any version lower than 13.')
-        return ('version', version)
-class Rules(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._lines_seen = {'plan': [], 'test': 0, 'failed': 0, 'version': []}
-        self._errors = []
-    def check(self, final_line_count):
-        """Check the status of all provided data and update the suite."""
-        if self._lines_seen['version']:
-            self._process_version_lines()
-        self._process_plan_lines(final_line_count)
-    def check_errors(self):
-        if self._lines_seen['failed'] > 0:
-            self._add_error('Tests failed.')
-        if self._errors:
-            for error in self._errors:
-                print(error)
-            return 1
-        return 0
-    def _process_version_lines(self):
-        """Process version line rules."""
-        if len(self._lines_seen['version']) > 1:
-            self._add_error('Multiple version lines appeared.')
-        elif self._lines_seen['version'][0] != 1:
-            self._add_error('The version must be on the first line.')
-    def _process_plan_lines(self, final_line_count):
-        """Process plan line rules."""
-        if not self._lines_seen['plan']:
-            self._add_error('Missing a plan.')
-            return
-        if len(self._lines_seen['plan']) > 1:
-            self._add_error('Only one plan line is permitted per file.')
-            return
-        expected_tests, at_line = self._lines_seen['plan'][0]
-        if not self._plan_on_valid_line(at_line, final_line_count):
-            self._add_error(
-                'A plan must appear at the beginning or end of the file.')
-            return
-        if expected_tests != self._lines_seen['test']:
-            self._add_error(
-                'Expected {expected_count} tests '
-                'but only {seen_count} ran.'.format(
-                    expected_count=expected_tests,
-                    seen_count=self._lines_seen['test']))
-    def _plan_on_valid_line(self, at_line, final_line_count):
-        """Check if a plan is on a valid line."""
-        # Put the common cases first.
-        if at_line == 1 or at_line == final_line_count:
-            return True
-        # The plan may only appear on line 2 if the version is at line 1.
-        after_version = (
-            self._lines_seen['version'] and
-            self._lines_seen['version'][0] == 1 and
-            at_line == 2)
-        if after_version:
-            return True
-        return False
-    def handle_bail(self, reason):
-        """Handle a bail line."""
-        self._add_error('Bailed: {reason}').format(reason=reason)
-    def handle_skipping_plan(self):
-        """Handle a plan that contains a SKIP directive."""
-        sys.exit(77)
-    def saw_plan(self, expected_tests, at_line):
-        """Record when a plan line was seen."""
-        self._lines_seen['plan'].append((expected_tests, at_line))
-    def saw_test(self, ok):
-        """Record when a test line was seen."""
-        self._lines_seen['test'] += 1
-        if not ok:
-            self._lines_seen['failed'] += 1
-    def saw_version_at(self, line_counter):
-        """Record when a version line was seen."""
-        self._lines_seen['version'].append(line_counter)
-    def _add_error(self, message):
-        self._errors += [message]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    parser = Parser()
-    rules = Rules()
-    try:
-        out = subprocess.check_output(sys.argv[1:], universal_newlines=True)
-    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
-        sys.stdout.write(e.output)
-        raise e
-    line_generator = parser.parse(io.StringIO(out))
-    line_counter = 0
-    for line in line_generator:
-        line_counter += 1
-        if line[0] == 'unknown':
-            continue
-        if line[0] == 'result':
-            rules.saw_test(line[1])
-            print('{okay} {num} {description} {directive}'.format(
-                okay=('' if line[1] else 'not ') + 'ok', num=line[2],
-                description=line[3], directive=line[4].text))
-        elif line[0] == 'plan':
-            if line[2].skip:
-                rules.handle_skipping_plan()
-            rules.saw_plan(line[1], line_counter)
-        elif line[0] == 'bail':
-            rules.handle_bail(line[1])
-        elif line[0] == 'version':
-            rules.saw_version_at(line_counter)
-        elif line[0] == 'diagnostic':
-            print(line[1])
-    rules.check(line_counter)
-    sys.exit(rules.check_errors())
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
index ec94a44a..da197a38 100644
--- a/meson.build
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ project('pacman',
-        meson_version : '>= 0.47')
+        meson_version : '>= 0.51')
 libalpm_version = '11.0.1'
diff --git a/test/pacman/meson.build b/test/pacman/meson.build
index 5edbbd43..4e87b4f3 100644
--- a/test/pacman/meson.build
+++ b/test/pacman/meson.build
@@ -1,349 +1,338 @@
 pacman_tests = [
-  { 'name': 'tests/backup001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/clean001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/clean002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/clean003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/clean004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/clean005.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/config001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/config002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/database001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/database002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/database010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/database011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/database012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/dbonly-extracted-files.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/depconflict100.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/depconflict110.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/depconflict111.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/depconflict120.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/dependency-cycle-fixed-by-upgrade.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/deprange001.py',
-    'should_fail': true },
-  { 'name': 'tests/deptest001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/dummy001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch005.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/epoch012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/file-conflict-with-installed-pkg.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict005.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict006.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict007.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict008.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict009.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict013.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict015.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict016.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict017.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict020.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict021.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict022.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict023.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict024.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict025.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict030.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict031.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/fileconflict032.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-abortonfail.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-description-reused.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-exec-reused.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-exec-with-arguments.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-file-change-packages.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-file-remove-trigger-match.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-file-upgrade-nomatch.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-invalid-trigger.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-pkg-install-trigger-match.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-pkg-postinstall-trigger-match.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-pkg-remove-trigger-match.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-pkg-upgrade-trigger-match.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-target-list.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-type-reused.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-upgrade-trigger-no-match.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/hook-when-reused.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore005.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore006.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore007.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ignore008.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ldconfig001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ldconfig002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/ldconfig003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/mode001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/mode002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/mode003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/noupgrade-inverted.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/overwrite-files-match-negated.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/overwrite-files-match.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/overwrite-files-nonmatch.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/pacman001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/pacman002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/pacman003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/pacman004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/pacman005.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision020.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision021.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/provision022.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query005.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query006.py',
-    # expect failure on 32 bit machines
-    'should_fail': cc.sizeof('ssize_t') < 8 },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query007.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/query012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/querycheck001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/querycheck002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/querycheck_fast_file_type.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/reason001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove-assumeinstalled.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove-directory-replaced-with-symlink.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove-optdepend-of-installed-package.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove-recursive-cycle.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove020.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove021.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove030.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove031.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove040.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove041.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove042.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove043.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove044.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove045.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove047.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove049.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove050.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove051.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove052.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove060.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove070.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/remove071.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/replace-and-upgrade-package.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/replace100.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/replace101.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/replace102.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/replace103.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/replace104.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/replace110.py',
-    'should_fail': true },
-  { 'name': 'tests/scriptlet001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/scriptlet002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/scriptlet-signal-handling.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/scriptlet-signal-reset.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sign001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sign002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/skip-remove-with-glob-chars.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/smoke001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/smoke002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/smoke003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/smoke004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink-replace-with-dir.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink020.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/symlink021.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-install-assumeinstalled.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-nodepversion01.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-nodepversion02.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-nodepversion03.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-nodepversion04.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-nodepversion05.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-nodepversion06.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-sysupgrade-print-replaced-packages.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-update-assumeinstalled.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync-update-package-removing-required-provides.py',
-    'should_fail': true },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync009.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync012.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync020.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync021.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync022.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync023.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync024.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync030.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync031.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync040.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync041.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync042.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync043.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync044.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync045.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync046.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync050.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync051.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync052.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync100.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1000.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1008.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync101.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync102.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync103.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync104.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync110.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1100.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1101.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1102.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1103.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1104.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync1105.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync120.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync130.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync131.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync132.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync133.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync134.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync135.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync136.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync137.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync138.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync139.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync140.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync141.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync150.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync200.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync300.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync306.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync400.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync401.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync402.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync403.py',
-    'should_fail': true },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync404.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync405.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync406.py',
-    'should_fail': true },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync407.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync500.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync501.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync502.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync503.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync600.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync700.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync701.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync702.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync890.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync891.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync892.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync893.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync895.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync896.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync897.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync898.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync899.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync900.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync901.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync990.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync992.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync993.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/sync999.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/trans001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/type001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/unresolvable001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade001.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade002.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade003.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade004.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade005.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade006.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade010.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade011.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade013.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade020.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade021.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade022.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade023.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade024.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade025.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade026.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade027.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade028.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade029.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade030.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade031.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade032.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade040.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade041.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade042.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade043.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade045.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade050.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade051.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade052.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade053.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade054.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade055.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade056.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade057.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade058.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade059.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade060.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade061.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade070.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade071.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade072.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade073.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade074.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade075.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade076.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade077.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade078.py',
-    'should_fail': true },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade080.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade081.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade082.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade083.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade084.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade090.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/upgrade100.py' },
-  { 'name': 'tests/xfercommand001.py' },
+  'tests/backup001.py',
+  'tests/clean001.py',
+  'tests/clean002.py',
+  'tests/clean003.py',
+  'tests/clean004.py',
+  'tests/clean005.py',
+  'tests/config001.py',
+  'tests/config002.py',
+  'tests/database001.py',
+  'tests/database002.py',
+  'tests/database010.py',
+  'tests/database011.py',
+  'tests/database012.py',
+  'tests/dbonly-extracted-files.py',
+  'tests/depconflict100.py',
+  'tests/depconflict110.py',
+  'tests/depconflict111.py',
+  'tests/depconflict120.py',
+  'tests/dependency-cycle-fixed-by-upgrade.py',
+  'tests/deprange001.py',
+  'tests/deptest001.py',
+  'tests/dummy001.py',
+  'tests/epoch001.py',
+  'tests/epoch002.py',
+  'tests/epoch003.py',
+  'tests/epoch004.py',
+  'tests/epoch005.py',
+  'tests/epoch010.py',
+  'tests/epoch011.py',
+  'tests/epoch012.py',
+  'tests/file-conflict-with-installed-pkg.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict001.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict002.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict003.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict004.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict005.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict006.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict007.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict008.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict009.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict010.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict011.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict012.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict013.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict015.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict016.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict017.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict020.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict021.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict022.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict023.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict024.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict025.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict030.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict031.py',
+  'tests/fileconflict032.py',
+  'tests/hook-abortonfail.py',
+  'tests/hook-description-reused.py',
+  'tests/hook-exec-reused.py',
+  'tests/hook-exec-with-arguments.py',
+  'tests/hook-file-change-packages.py',
+  'tests/hook-file-remove-trigger-match.py',
+  'tests/hook-file-upgrade-nomatch.py',
+  'tests/hook-invalid-trigger.py',
+  'tests/hook-pkg-install-trigger-match.py',
+  'tests/hook-pkg-postinstall-trigger-match.py',
+  'tests/hook-pkg-remove-trigger-match.py',
+  'tests/hook-pkg-upgrade-trigger-match.py',
+  'tests/hook-target-list.py',
+  'tests/hook-type-reused.py',
+  'tests/hook-upgrade-trigger-no-match.py',
+  'tests/hook-when-reused.py',
+  'tests/ignore001.py',
+  'tests/ignore002.py',
+  'tests/ignore003.py',
+  'tests/ignore004.py',
+  'tests/ignore005.py',
+  'tests/ignore006.py',
+  'tests/ignore007.py',
+  'tests/ignore008.py',
+  'tests/ldconfig001.py',
+  'tests/ldconfig002.py',
+  'tests/ldconfig003.py',
+  'tests/mode001.py',
+  'tests/mode002.py',
+  'tests/mode003.py',
+  'tests/noupgrade-inverted.py',
+  'tests/overwrite-files-match-negated.py',
+  'tests/overwrite-files-match.py',
+  'tests/overwrite-files-nonmatch.py',
+  'tests/pacman001.py',
+  'tests/pacman002.py',
+  'tests/pacman003.py',
+  'tests/pacman004.py',
+  'tests/pacman005.py',
+  'tests/provision001.py',
+  'tests/provision002.py',
+  'tests/provision003.py',
+  'tests/provision004.py',
+  'tests/provision010.py',
+  'tests/provision011.py',
+  'tests/provision012.py',
+  'tests/provision020.py',
+  'tests/provision021.py',
+  'tests/provision022.py',
+  'tests/query001.py',
+  'tests/query002.py',
+  'tests/query003.py',
+  'tests/query004.py',
+  'tests/query005.py',
+  'tests/query006.py',
+  'tests/query007.py',
+  'tests/query010.py',
+  'tests/query011.py',
+  'tests/query012.py',
+  'tests/querycheck001.py',
+  'tests/querycheck002.py',
+  'tests/querycheck_fast_file_type.py',
+  'tests/reason001.py',
+  'tests/remove-assumeinstalled.py',
+  'tests/remove-directory-replaced-with-symlink.py',
+  'tests/remove-optdepend-of-installed-package.py',
+  'tests/remove-recursive-cycle.py',
+  'tests/remove001.py',
+  'tests/remove002.py',
+  'tests/remove010.py',
+  'tests/remove011.py',
+  'tests/remove012.py',
+  'tests/remove020.py',
+  'tests/remove021.py',
+  'tests/remove030.py',
+  'tests/remove031.py',
+  'tests/remove040.py',
+  'tests/remove041.py',
+  'tests/remove042.py',
+  'tests/remove043.py',
+  'tests/remove044.py',
+  'tests/remove045.py',
+  'tests/remove047.py',
+  'tests/remove049.py',
+  'tests/remove050.py',
+  'tests/remove051.py',
+  'tests/remove052.py',
+  'tests/remove060.py',
+  'tests/remove070.py',
+  'tests/remove071.py',
+  'tests/replace-and-upgrade-package.py',
+  'tests/replace100.py',
+  'tests/replace101.py',
+  'tests/replace102.py',
+  'tests/replace103.py',
+  'tests/replace104.py',
+  'tests/replace110.py',
+  'tests/scriptlet001.py',
+  'tests/scriptlet002.py',
+  'tests/scriptlet-signal-handling.py',
+  'tests/scriptlet-signal-reset.py',
+  'tests/sign001.py',
+  'tests/sign002.py',
+  'tests/skip-remove-with-glob-chars.py',
+  'tests/smoke001.py',
+  'tests/smoke002.py',
+  'tests/smoke003.py',
+  'tests/smoke004.py',
+  'tests/symlink-replace-with-dir.py',
+  'tests/symlink001.py',
+  'tests/symlink002.py',
+  'tests/symlink010.py',
+  'tests/symlink011.py',
+  'tests/symlink012.py',
+  'tests/symlink020.py',
+  'tests/symlink021.py',
+  'tests/sync-install-assumeinstalled.py',
+  'tests/sync-nodepversion01.py',
+  'tests/sync-nodepversion02.py',
+  'tests/sync-nodepversion03.py',
+  'tests/sync-nodepversion04.py',
+  'tests/sync-nodepversion05.py',
+  'tests/sync-nodepversion06.py',
+  'tests/sync-sysupgrade-print-replaced-packages.py',
+  'tests/sync-update-assumeinstalled.py',
+  'tests/sync-update-package-removing-required-provides.py',
+  'tests/sync001.py',
+  'tests/sync002.py',
+  'tests/sync003.py',
+  'tests/sync009.py',
+  'tests/sync010.py',
+  'tests/sync011.py',
+  'tests/sync012.py',
+  'tests/sync020.py',
+  'tests/sync021.py',
+  'tests/sync022.py',
+  'tests/sync023.py',
+  'tests/sync024.py',
+  'tests/sync030.py',
+  'tests/sync031.py',
+  'tests/sync040.py',
+  'tests/sync041.py',
+  'tests/sync042.py',
+  'tests/sync043.py',
+  'tests/sync044.py',
+  'tests/sync045.py',
+  'tests/sync046.py',
+  'tests/sync050.py',
+  'tests/sync051.py',
+  'tests/sync052.py',
+  'tests/sync100.py',
+  'tests/sync1000.py',
+  'tests/sync1003.py',
+  'tests/sync1004.py',
+  'tests/sync1008.py',
+  'tests/sync101.py',
+  'tests/sync102.py',
+  'tests/sync103.py',
+  'tests/sync104.py',
+  'tests/sync110.py',
+  'tests/sync1100.py',
+  'tests/sync1101.py',
+  'tests/sync1102.py',
+  'tests/sync1103.py',
+  'tests/sync1104.py',
+  'tests/sync1105.py',
+  'tests/sync120.py',
+  'tests/sync130.py',
+  'tests/sync131.py',
+  'tests/sync132.py',
+  'tests/sync133.py',
+  'tests/sync134.py',
+  'tests/sync135.py',
+  'tests/sync136.py',
+  'tests/sync137.py',
+  'tests/sync138.py',
+  'tests/sync139.py',
+  'tests/sync140.py',
+  'tests/sync141.py',
+  'tests/sync150.py',
+  'tests/sync200.py',
+  'tests/sync300.py',
+  'tests/sync306.py',
+  'tests/sync400.py',
+  'tests/sync401.py',
+  'tests/sync402.py',
+  'tests/sync403.py',
+  'tests/sync404.py',
+  'tests/sync405.py',
+  'tests/sync406.py',
+  'tests/sync407.py',
+  'tests/sync500.py',
+  'tests/sync501.py',
+  'tests/sync502.py',
+  'tests/sync503.py',
+  'tests/sync600.py',
+  'tests/sync700.py',
+  'tests/sync701.py',
+  'tests/sync702.py',
+  'tests/sync890.py',
+  'tests/sync891.py',
+  'tests/sync892.py',
+  'tests/sync893.py',
+  'tests/sync895.py',
+  'tests/sync896.py',
+  'tests/sync897.py',
+  'tests/sync898.py',
+  'tests/sync899.py',
+  'tests/sync900.py',
+  'tests/sync901.py',
+  'tests/sync990.py',
+  'tests/sync992.py',
+  'tests/sync993.py',
+  'tests/sync999.py',
+  'tests/trans001.py',
+  'tests/type001.py',
+  'tests/unresolvable001.py',
+  'tests/upgrade001.py',
+  'tests/upgrade002.py',
+  'tests/upgrade003.py',
+  'tests/upgrade004.py',
+  'tests/upgrade005.py',
+  'tests/upgrade006.py',
+  'tests/upgrade010.py',
+  'tests/upgrade011.py',
+  'tests/upgrade013.py',
+  'tests/upgrade020.py',
+  'tests/upgrade021.py',
+  'tests/upgrade022.py',
+  'tests/upgrade023.py',
+  'tests/upgrade024.py',
+  'tests/upgrade025.py',
+  'tests/upgrade026.py',
+  'tests/upgrade027.py',
+  'tests/upgrade028.py',
+  'tests/upgrade029.py',
+  'tests/upgrade030.py',
+  'tests/upgrade031.py',
+  'tests/upgrade032.py',
+  'tests/upgrade040.py',
+  'tests/upgrade041.py',
+  'tests/upgrade042.py',
+  'tests/upgrade043.py',
+  'tests/upgrade045.py',
+  'tests/upgrade050.py',
+  'tests/upgrade051.py',
+  'tests/upgrade052.py',
+  'tests/upgrade053.py',
+  'tests/upgrade054.py',
+  'tests/upgrade055.py',
+  'tests/upgrade056.py',
+  'tests/upgrade057.py',
+  'tests/upgrade058.py',
+  'tests/upgrade059.py',
+  'tests/upgrade060.py',
+  'tests/upgrade061.py',
+  'tests/upgrade070.py',
+  'tests/upgrade071.py',
+  'tests/upgrade072.py',
+  'tests/upgrade073.py',
+  'tests/upgrade074.py',
+  'tests/upgrade075.py',
+  'tests/upgrade076.py',
+  'tests/upgrade077.py',
+  'tests/upgrade078.py',
+  'tests/upgrade080.py',
+  'tests/upgrade081.py',
+  'tests/upgrade082.py',
+  'tests/upgrade083.py',
+  'tests/upgrade084.py',
+  'tests/upgrade090.py',
+  'tests/upgrade100.py',
+  'tests/xfercommand001.py',
-foreach testobj : pacman_tests
-  input = testobj.get('name')
+foreach input : pacman_tests
   test_name = input.split('/')[1]
-  should_fail = testobj.get('should_fail', false)
   args = [
-    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'build-aux/tap-driver.py'),
     join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'pactest.py'),
     '--scriptlet-shell', get_option('scriptlet-shell'),
     '--bindir', meson.build_root(),
@@ -361,7 +350,7 @@ foreach testobj : pacman_tests
+    protocol : 'tap',
     args : args,
-    depends : [pacman_bin],
-    should_fail : should_fail)
+    depends : [pacman_bin])
diff --git a/test/pacman/tap.py b/test/pacman/tap.py
index eb0747be..8a32b3ac 100644
--- a/test/pacman/tap.py
+++ b/test/pacman/tap.py
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 failed = 0
 def _output(msg):
-    print("%s%s" % ("    "*level, str(msg).replace("\n", "\\n")))
+    leader = "#" if level > 0 else ""
+    print("%s%s%s" % (leader, "    "*level, str(msg).replace("\n", "\\n")))
 def skip_all(description=""):
     if description:
diff --git a/test/scripts/meson.build b/test/scripts/meson.build
index 0bdbfb2f..0dd05fd9 100644
--- a/test/scripts/meson.build
+++ b/test/scripts/meson.build
@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ tests = [
 foreach tst : tests
-       PYTHON,
+       BASH,
        env : TEST_ENV,
        args : [
-         join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'build-aux/tap-driver.py'),
          join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), tst),

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