[pacman-dev] [PATCH v4] Split target output

Carson Black uhhadd at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 01:35:20 UTC 2020

This patch splits the monolithic 'Packages (count):' output on transactions into
multiple package outputs per category of action: 'Installing (count):', 'Upgrading
(count):', and 'Removing (count):'.

Signed-off-by: Carson Black <uhhadd at gmail.com>
 src/pacman/util.c | 61 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/pacman/util.c b/src/pacman/util.c
index 6693ec75..9b192317 100644
--- a/src/pacman/util.c
+++ b/src/pacman/util.c
@@ -898,7 +898,8 @@ static void _display_targets(alpm_list_t *targets, int verbose)
 	char *str;
 	off_t isize = 0, rsize = 0, dlsize = 0;
 	unsigned short cols;
-	alpm_list_t *i, *names = NULL, *header = NULL, *rows = NULL;
+	char *install_header = NULL, *upgrade_header = NULL, *remove_header = NULL;
+	alpm_list_t *i, *install = NULL, *upgrade = NULL, *remove = NULL, *header = NULL, *rows = NULL;
 	if(!targets) {
@@ -926,38 +927,68 @@ static void _display_targets(alpm_list_t *targets, int verbose)
 			rows = alpm_list_add(rows, create_verbose_row(target));
-		if(target->install) {
+		if(target->install && target->remove) {
+			pm_asprintf(&str, "%s%s-%s%s", alpm_pkg_get_name(target->install), config->colstr.faint,
+					alpm_pkg_get_version(target->install), config->colstr.nocolor);
+			upgrade = alpm_list_add(upgrade, str);
+		} else if(target->install) {
 			pm_asprintf(&str, "%s%s-%s%s", alpm_pkg_get_name(target->install), config->colstr.faint,
 					alpm_pkg_get_version(target->install), config->colstr.nocolor);
-		} else if(isize == 0) {
+			install = alpm_list_add(install, str);
+		} else {
 			pm_asprintf(&str, "%s%s-%s%s", alpm_pkg_get_name(target->remove), config->colstr.faint,
 					alpm_pkg_get_version(target->remove), config->colstr.nocolor);
-		} else {
-			pm_asprintf(&str, "%s%s-%s %s[%s]%s", alpm_pkg_get_name(target->remove), config->colstr.faint,
-					alpm_pkg_get_version(target->remove), config->colstr.nocolor, _("removal"), config->colstr.nocolor);
+			remove = alpm_list_add(remove, str);
-		names = alpm_list_add(names, str);
-	/* print to screen */
-	pm_asprintf(&str, "%s (%zu)", _("Packages"), alpm_list_count(targets));
-	printf("\n");
 	cols = getcols();
 	if(verbose) {
 		header = create_verbose_header(alpm_list_count(targets));
 		if(table_display(header, rows, cols) != 0) {
 			/* fallback to list display if table wouldn't fit */
-			list_display(str, names, cols);
+			if (alpm_list_count(install)) {
+				pm_asprintf(&install_header, _("Installing (%lu):"), alpm_list_count(install));
+				list_display(install_header, install, cols);
+			}
+			if (alpm_list_count(upgrade)) {
+				pm_asprintf(&upgrade_header, _("Upgrading (%lu):"), alpm_list_count(upgrade));
+				list_display(upgrade_header, upgrade, cols);
+			}
+			if (alpm_list_count(remove)) {
+				pm_asprintf(&remove_header, _("Removing (%lu):"), alpm_list_count(remove));
+				list_display(remove_header, remove, cols);
+			}
 	} else {
-		list_display(str, names, cols);
+		if (alpm_list_count(install)) {
+			pm_asprintf(&install_header, _("Installing (%lu):"), alpm_list_count(install));
+			list_display(install_header, install, cols);
+			if (alpm_list_count(upgrade) || alpm_list_count(remove)) {
+				printf("\n");
+			}
+		}
+		if (alpm_list_count(upgrade)) {
+			pm_asprintf(&upgrade_header, _("Upgrading (%lu):"), alpm_list_count(upgrade));
+			list_display(upgrade_header, upgrade, cols);
+			if (alpm_list_count(remove)) {
+				printf("\n");
+			}
+		}
+		if (alpm_list_count(remove)) {
+			pm_asprintf(&remove_header, _("Removing (%lu):"), alpm_list_count(remove));
+			list_display(remove_header, remove, cols);
+		}
 	table_free(header, rows);
-	FREELIST(names);
-	free(str);
+	FREELIST(install);
+	FREELIST(upgrade);
+	FREELIST(remove);
+	free(install_header);
+	free(upgrade_header);
+	free(remove_header);
 	rows = NULL;
 	if(dlsize > 0 || config->op_s_downloadonly) {

Ok, this should fix memory management issues.


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