[pacman-dev] [PATCH] Provides generation for files (a.k.a. rpm fileattrs for makepkg)

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Sun Mar 8 22:49:31 UTC 2020

On 3/8/20 6:39 PM, Carson Black wrote:
>> What is "cleaned", and how is the xargs program "cleaning" it?
> Excess whitespace is being trimmed using xargs. "   a string
> " will get normalized to "a string" when passed through xargs.

Examples of desktop files with this issue? I didn't find one like it on
my system.

>>> +
>>> +                             [[ -z "$cleaned" ]] && continue
>> When will this be set but empty?
> Trailing semicolon in desktop file will result in a blank entry in the
> mimetypes array,
> resulting in a blank can-open-mimetype() provide without this code.

$ mapfile -t -d ";" mimetypes < <(grep MimeType=
/usr/share/applications/qemu.desktop | cut -d '=' -f 2)
$ declare -p mimetypes
declare -a mimetypes=()

You're wrong.

>> Did you actually try this?
> Yes, I've been using the following packages as tests for this and
> inspecting their metadata by hand:
> - vte3 (pkgconfig)
> - kwayland (cmake)
> - discover (desktop file)
> I know pacman can already install packages given a provides capability,
> so I didn't bother setting up a local test repository to confirm the
> fact that pacman
> can install these packages given their capabilities.

You're not reading what I said.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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