[pacman-dev] [PATCH 1/3] Always enable TotalDownload

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Tue Apr 20 04:09:44 UTC 2021

On 19/4/21 5:59 am, morganamilo wrote:
> Previously TotalDownload would switch the % download from per package to
> overall. Meaning you had a choice of which information to dispplay.
> Now with parallel downloads TotalDownload adds an extra progress bar.
> There's no reason to have this an off by default feature. Let's just
> make it always on.
> ---

allan at mando ~/arch/code/pacman (patchqueue)
$ PACTEST_VALGRIND=1 ninja -C build test

Summary of Failures:

332/335 xfercommand001.py                                 FAIL
   2.51s   0/1 subtests passed

Memory leak somewhere - I have have not looked beyond attributing it to
this patch.   How this patch causes it is another issue!

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