[PATCH] Permit `--search=…` in `-Q` and `-S` to allow for e.g. `--search=-doc`

Fredrick Brennan copypaste at kittens.ph
Sun Nov 21 01:50:29 UTC 2021

Greetings pacman-dev:

Currently, pacman does not allow one to run `pacman -S --search=-doc`, 
because despite documentation saying `--search` takes `<regexp>`, 
actually it is implemented as using the targets to determine what to 
search for.

It is quite difficult to figure out how to carry out this search query, 
and needlessly so, though `--search '\\-doc'` does work.

The cumulative effect of the two attached patches fixes it, allowing an 
easier way to search for arbitrary strings which may conflict with 
command line options.

Fred Brennan

   [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
   [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
   [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

GnuPG: 6F12 EC72 A82A BCA3 5235 063A 10DD C983 901A A183
Twitter: @fr_brennan
Personal website <https://dba.gg/>
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