On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 08:17:30PM +0200, Andreas Radke wrote:
Am Tue, 05 Jun 2007 19:50:26 +0530 schrieb Varun Acharya <ganja.guru.x64@gmail.com>:
Pierre Schmitz wrote:
Am Dienstag, 5. Juni 2007 09:12:24 schrieb Eric Belanger:
Saturday at noon EST would be good for me or Sunday if it's in the end of afternoon or evening.
Should be possible for me. It will be on IRC, right?
Good question. Wasn't there some talk of teamspeak or ekiga?
i'll be there if it's again an IRC meeting like we did in the past.
afaik ekiga isn't working in teammode and teamspeak is a nogo for me. ^^^^^^^^ You mean conference mode?
won't install any closed source stuff here and especially if they don't support 64bit.
Do twinkle, twinkle-kdefree or sofia-sip work in 64bit? They're all sip clients... Jason