Hi All, A lot of work has been put into getting Arch packages 100% reproducible, the [community] repository has been added to the rebuilderd instance on reproducible.archlinux.org. As of now [community] is 60% reproducible and packages with file ordering issues have been rebuild and are about to be moved to [community] which will hopefully increase the reproducible package percentage! Archweb now imports the rebuilderd status into it's database so, you are now able to your reproducible package issues. [1] In your Archweb profile, it's possible to get an email notifications when packages change from reproducible to unreproducible. [2] As of now, the software which rebuilds our packages store no logs/diffs of the unreproducible packages. To get a diff: 1) Retrieve the package 2) run "repro -d $pkg" Or when a package is freshly build: $ repro -ndf $pkg To rebuild the newly build package. For some package groups there are "structural" issues such as KDE packages, packages with JAR files and Haskell packages see the wiki for those issues. [3] For Haskell packages, a filesystem/perl bug has to resolved. [4] [1] https://www.archlinux.org/devel/reports/non-reproducible-packages/$username/ [2] https://www.archlinux.org/devel/profile/ [3] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Reproducible_Builds/Status [4] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Reproducible_Builds/Status Greetings, Jelle