On 10/29/07, andyrtr@archlinux.org <andyrtr@archlinux.org> wrote:
Date: Monday, October 29, 2007 @ 17:26:29 Author: andyrtr Path: /home/cvs-core/core/base/glibc
Added: locale.patch (1.1) weekday.patch (1.1) Modified: PKGBUILD (1.72 -> 1.73) locale.gen (1.4 -> 1.5) Removed: first_weekday.diff (1.3) fix-C-first_weekday.diff (1.1) glibc-2.5-branch_update-2.patch (1.1) glibc-2.6-malloc-fixes.patch (1.1) locales-fr.diff (1.2) locales_GB.diff (1.1) pl_PL-miesiace.patch (1.1)
upgpkg: glibc 2.7-2 update weekday/locale patching to current Debian state; update list of supported locales.gen; clean unneeded patches
---------------------------------+ PKGBUILD | 26 first_weekday.diff | 1948 - fix-C-first_weekday.diff | 27 glibc-2.5-branch_update-2.patch |48089 -------------------------------------- glibc-2.6-malloc-fixes.patch | 952 locale.gen | 809 locale.patch |21965 +++++++++++++++++ locales-fr.diff | 282 locales_GB.diff | 42 pl_PL-miesiace.patch | 33 weekday.patch | 1865 + 11 files changed, 24255 insertions(+), 51783 deletions(-)
The diff is longer than the limit of 39KB.
Can we please run patches through gzip for anything over like 1000 lines? This really kills the people that use abs. -Dan