On Mon, 2009-03-30 at 04:06 -0400, Eric BĂ©langer wrote:
I've started to work on an gnash upgrade. But keep the gnash PKGBUILD in unsupported until the update is actually done. (ie I might change my mind).
BTW, I'll probably use agg for the renderer instead of opengl for performance reason: http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/13443. This was done in the PKGBUILD in AUR. I might also change the media from gstreamer to ffmpeg. I've read somewhere that ffmpeg was better on Youtube. Currently, gnash 0.8.4 or 0.8.5 doesn't work on Youtube as far as I could tell.
At this moment we have updates for ffmpeg and friends sitting in testing. If you consider switching to plain ffmpeg instead of GStreamer, I would like to have ffmpeg updated to the normal release, which is "stable". When we get this version, I could even compile gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg against the system-installed ffmpeg, as GStreamer has switched to the stable version also now. The reason why gnash uses GStreamer instead of plain ffmpeg is because GStreamer has a backwards compatible interface, which ffmpeg didn't offer before it was released officially.