Le 2012-08-15 10:09, Florian Pritz a écrit :
Given the fact that arch-general's mail volume has grown massively in the last few days and some devs already unsubscribed, I thought about getting TUs write access to this list so we can keep all (semi) development related mails on a lower traffic list.
I'm more or less only subscribed to aur-general to receive mails about dropping packages from community or TUs going inactive. Since community is not a part of the AUR any more I think those mails don't really belong there.
I'd also suggest moving the community-testing signoff report from aur-general to arch-dev-public when doing this.
Comments welcome.
TUsmust follow arch-dev-public to be aware of the changes in the base system, so it make a lot ofsense that they take part in these discussions too. Cheers, Stéphane