On mer., 2016-08-17 at 20:52 +0200, Bartłomiej Piotrowski wrote:
On 2016-08-06 10:18, Florian Pritz via arch-dev-public wrote:
While I'm no saint either, Ceph package is out of date since November last year and received only minor upgrades despite newer releases availability. 2 weeks ago I asked Sebastien on #archlinux-devops why he didn't upgrade it despite his activity with other packages to no avail.
I didn't get your message on #archlinux-devops. You really didn't find any other way to talk to me? I have a working package since few weeks with the latest version. I needs to check again some things.
This week I'm going to rebuild dependent packages to disable Ceph support and then move Ceph itself to AUR.
What is this ? Seriously! A blackmail to upgrade package. ceph was updated 8 months ago. We have flagged packages built in 2013. You don't even know why I postpone the upgrade. This kind of threat is inappropriate. -- Sébastien "Seblu" Luttringer https://seblu.net | Twitter: @seblu42 GPG: 0x2072D77A