On Wed, 03 Jun 2020 at 13:05:50, Levente Polyak via arch-dev-public wrote:
# Transparency report May 2020
This is a great idea, thank you so much for all the work that went into writing this!
### GitLab
We're in the process of switching our Git hosting from our custom cgit instance to GitLab! We created https://gitlab.archlinux.org [9] and have started moving some projects. We'll continue moving projects onto GitLab and will then get rid of our cgit instance. [...] The archiso project has been moved [10] to Arch Linux' GitLab instance [11]. Furthermore over the past weeks smaller and larger fixes found their way into the repository. In the future all merge requests and releases will be handled via GitLab. CI integration and more elaborate test suites are still being developed to ensure a more robust setup for our monthly release images and any custom use cases.
Small addition: aurweb has officially moved [13] to the GitLab instance too and we are very happy with the new platform so far. Looking forward to when it's going to open up to the public. Big shout-out to the DevOps team! Best, Lukas [13] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-dev/2020-May/004856.html