On 06/03/2013 05:37 PM, Tom Gundersen wrote:
Hi guys,
This was brought up a few times, so I'd like some clarification.
What restrictions (apart from the possibility of getting the boot, and no read-access to arch-dev) do we put on Junior devs? It used to be that they could not push packages, but that is no longer a technical limitation. Should we still enforce it? Is there a restriction with respect to [core]?
My preference would be to not have any limitation, but that they should be instructed to bring things up on ML / IRC when doing stuff for the first time to avoid problems.
Junior dev was used only when we have invited users straight from the community when we needed help in some areas back in the days and they didn't had any idea what's going on. Is not the case when TUs are brought in our dev team. -- Ionuț