Hi Anton,
Thanks for your message. Please refer to https://www.froscon.de/en/info for information about accommodation, etc
surrounding the event (also available in German).
Regarding your presentation, please refer to https://monochromec.com/Arch_DevRoom_CfP.html for the details.
As I'm specifically looking for helpers to staff the project booth: Should I count you in as a volunteer? In that case
please send me your availability during the weekend in a separate mail to my personal email address. There will be a
Mumble call regarding the organisation early July to discuss the details.
Cheers, Chris
>could we arrange some oportionities to sleep?
>and may we could open an group at telegram or so to have some “faster” communication?
>i would like to show my talk “aur packages build, test and upload” as i already done at Augsburger linuxtage.
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Hi there,
As the project booth has been confirmed at this year's FrOSCon (https://www.froscon.de/en) in addition to the DevRoom
(https://monochromec.com/Arch_DevRoom_CfP.html) I'm looking for volunteers to man this booth over the course of
Saturday and Sunday. Even if you're not an Arch expert and only have a couple of hours to spare, your help and support
is greatly appreciated. Volunteers: Please get in touch no later than 6/27.
Thanks, Chris
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