Pierre Schmitz schrieb:
Hi all,
I just got this newsletter (English version at the end). They have send it quite late. We must register until May 30th. That means we need to organize some things until *this* friday; otherwise we cannot attend this year.
So please reply asap.
* Do we want our own room? * Do we want our own booth?
Esspecially for the booth we'll need at least four or five people. (so we can exchange)
I'll be on board again and I think we should do it like last year: Have our booth, have our room (although we mainly slept in that room last year, the booth was much more interesting). We can think about doing even more cool stuff than last year, we just had a few boxes, CDs and stuff. I think the booth was not as successful as it could have been, most people were not really interested in the booths and only visited the talks, I hope the FrOSCon people do something about it. I also hope to see Chris, Andy, Jens and Jan again this year, maybe even more.
Auch in diesem Jahr stellen wir Open-Source-Projekten wieder eigene Räume für Entwicklertreffen, Besprechungen oder Workshops zur Verfügung. Wir bitten die Projekte, bei Raumanfragen auch Angaben zur voraussichtlichen Nutzung des Raumes zu machen. Interessenten finden unter https://callforprojects.froscon.org/ eine Möglichkeit ihre Wünsche abzugeben.
We should specify that we want to use the room for a developer meeting to give it some purpose. We could announce an event like the "Arch installation party" or so (I'll have a mirror with me anyway).