So, looks like a bunch of Arch devs and users are coming to fosdem this year. [1] let's talk meetups! here are 3 ideas: * friday afternoon: some guys will do some sightseeing. Since even those who arrive around noon / early afternoon will arrive at different moments, maybe let's not try to hard to get everybody together yet at this point. Tom and Pierre, I'll let you decide on this one. You'll be earliest, maybe you don't want to waste your time at this point meeting up with various folks as they arrive at different times. although, since the warandepark is near our hotel, maybe you could meet up with interested people there (if any?), just a thought * friday evening: meetup downtown @ 7PM in front of TBD (looking for a place near "grand place" where one can shelter should it start to rain). We'll go out for dinner and afterwards drinks. We'll visit the [ FOSDEM beer event] but it's usually insanely overcrowded so we'll probably go somewhere else. * saturday evening: meetup at the conference @ 7:15PM (last talks end at 7PM) @ [ Cross Distribution Devroom H.1301. no sure yet what to do. another drinks/dinner? [1]