2009/6/11 Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org>:
Wow, this is getting big. We are becoming MANY people, so it is possible that the FrOSCon people will not allow everyone to come for free (we said 5-7 people, we are now 8 with you), so it is possible that you have to pay - in the end, we have to see if the FrOSCon people will allow 8 people for such a small project, I surely hope so. ok, anyway I want to know if I can sleep at froscon. And in this case if my friend can also (I think no, but I ask).
Anyway, I would love to meet you there, I just accepted you in the Arch Linux project. I didn't expect to have so many people coming, especially from that far away (Roman is coming from Ukraine, you from Italy, wow). I am not only from Italy...I am from SUD sud Italy (Lecce - Bonn: 1800km) but also I like the idea to meet all you and this is a good occasion; also to know to others projects we are not small at the end :)
-- Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino Arch Linux Developer