Hi On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Yamakaky <yamakaky@yamaworld.fr> wrote:
Hi all
I write you this mail because I'm a bit lost between all these network configuration tools available :
- systemd-networkd - dhcpcd service - netctl - wpa_supplicant - NetworkManager/wicd
There is two profiles I use now : a laptop (wifi auto-discover and connect with gui tray and easy to add network, ethernet auto-connect) and a raspberry py server (low ressources, ethernet only, dhcp configured, config not often changed). Actually, I use nm on my laptop (it's much much better than wicd) and dhcpcd on my raspberry pi. What would you use and why ?
As it was said above it is matter of personal preference. Personally I try to use the simplest possible tools that do its job. And I switched all my machines to systemd-networkd (+wpa_supplicant for wifi). Network/WIFI/DHCP work great, no complains. My advice it to start with systemd-networkd and only if it does not work for you then look at other alternatives. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd-networkd#Basic_DHCP_network