On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:55 AM, mudongliang <mudongliangabcd@outlook.com> wrote:
It is essential to understand the internal theory and operate it by hands. Then I will have a deep understanding!
Besides, I first use pacman , but there are some softwares in aur which needs yaourt. So I install and use it as the wiki tells me. - mudongliang
Never just install something because the Wiki tells you! (eek!) Install it because (and when) you know what problem it is solving. If you had first become familiar with the manual usage of makepkg, then you would've known something was wrong with using sudo for yaourt, and you would've discovered on your own that yaourt is not meant to be run using sudo. How could it, if one of the things it does is run makepkg -- unless it does loopy and redundant things to delevate your permissions back down to user level. As Ralf said, nothing *requires* yaourt, and indeed some things will blow up when you try installling via yaourt -- but standard makepkg handles fine, and indeed so do most AUR wrappers, in the AUR Helpers comparison chart [1] see the "Clean build" entry for yaourt. ;) [2] -- Eli Schwartz [1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR_helpers#Comparison_table [2] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-general/2015-August/031314.html