It would appear that on Sep 15, Christoph Rissner did say:
On 09/15/2010 10:19 AM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
community/e-svn 51937-1 (e17-svn) [installed]
I'm also running that version (but on i686), without any problems. I'm using the default theme (is it "Black & White"?), mostly because I think its acceptable and the Theme Selector doesn't show any alternatives :-). Is this thing working?
Well If I didn't want to change the theme and screen resolution I'd not have found anything sufficiently wrong with it. Except for that odd error message I got whenever I added/removed a gadget to/from the desktop or shelf. Which since it did let me make those changes, I wouldn't have bothered to mention...
I remember having an "unreadable font" problem when I first installed e17 and just digged out my list of font pkgs I had to install to get this fixed. IIRC e17 relies on some external fonts, but the PKGBUILD doesn't set the dependencies, but maybe thats fixed by now.
Actually my fonts are ok. It's just that I have a high resolution graphics card/monitor combination and the default is to start at the highest possible resolution. which in this case is 1280x1024 which with my poor eyesight means I can't hardly read anything less than 18 point type without my reading glasses. And if I wear the glasses while looking at the screen my eyes start to water in less than a minute... All I need to do is to get the screen resolution set to 1024x768 and everything comes in to focus. If the Rasterman liked to bother with a visual indicator of which button the tab key had aimed the enter key at I'd just resign myself to doing a menu->settings->panel->screen->resolution to select 1074x768 every time I login. I mean I can always open an xclock whenever I want a time display.
Have you tried to change your profile (Settings Panel/Settings/Profile)?
I suppose I could try the illume profile... Next time I boot Arch I'll try it... Thanks for the suggestion. It would appear that on Sep 15, Nicky726 did say:
Dne St 15. září 2010 11:08:10 Joe(theWordy)Philbrook napsal(a):
... Is anybody else having a problem with community/e-svn 51937-1 (e17-svn)? Or is it just me? Any suggestions would be welcome... But I already tried moving my ~/.e directory and letting e17 start with a fresh user profile. But it still wouldn't let me save my changes if they included screen resolution changes. ...
Hello, Joe,
I also noticed problems with the new release of E17 at my 32bit Arch. It seems, that there was some change upstream that broke compatibility with older themes/backgrounds/icons, so that they are listed in selections dialogs, but are not loaded. Rebuilding the e17-backgrounds, e17-icons and e17-themes packages from the AUR partially solves the problem, as more themes/backgrounds/icons can now be loaded, some still remains broken though. I've also seen the resolution being reset to default, but in my case the switch to desired one was flawless and logout succeeded (OSS ati drivers).
Hope, this will be of some help,
Actually though I hadn't thought my themes were that old. True, some of them were based on the style of some older themes but they were rewritten... None of these are work anymore on my Arch installation: :r!ls ~/.e/e/themes blingbling.edj eChrono-0.5.edj GreenTheme.edj Kandy.edj trekpad17.edj Vulcan_Moonlight_0_6_4_by_Ndjee.edj Vulcan_Retro_0_6_4_by_Ndjee.edj Vulcan_Retro_Blue_0_6_4_by_Ndjee.edj wendy17.edj It's those "Vulcan" themes that give me the best combo of, "highly visible" indications of active buttons and menu choices. (Which matters because I navigate menus with my arrow keys NOT the durned rodent.) I suppose I'll have to try the AUR themes. Maybe one of them will work for me. Incidentally, Logout only fails if I alter my screen resolution. (At least so far...) I suppose that part could have something to do with the Nvidia upgrade that accompanied the Enlightenment upgrade... I'll have to see if XFCE can still set the resolution to 1024x768 And save it's settings for next time... There is a possibility that I could take a page from the workaround I did for E16 which being more WM than DE doesn't have a native screen resolution setting tool, and put "xrandr -s 3" in the file that gets copied to ~/.xinitrc when I select e16 from my startx wrapper script. But since E17 DOES have an internal control for screen resolution, I expect that it will simply reset it back to it's default 1024x768 setting upon startup. <sigh> I'll followup to this thread if one of AUR's themes works for me. -or- if e17 respects "xrandr" resolution settings... Thanks guys for info & suggestions. -- | ~^~ ~^~ | <?> <?> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | \___/ <<>>