Hope I'm not disturbing~ But I don't know whether this worth a bug report. The package `emacs-color-theme' uses the stable release, released in 2006. In 2007, there's a commit fixing a bug (for me, the bug causes conflict with Gnus), but the upstream didn't release a new version since then. So I would suggest on using a snapshot version --- I fixed that bug myself. Following is more about that bug and how I fixed it: Function `replace-in-string' is provided in XEmacs but not GNU Emacs, so the author of color-theme defined his own. Yes, he checks whether the function exists. Gnus also defined one, but the name is `mm-replace-in-string'. Gnus checks whether `replace-in-string' is present, and if it does, the `mm-' is just an alias to that. All right, Eh? But the author of color-theme defined the function different from XEmacs did. So Gnus was confused, then it complained about something like "wrong number of arguments" when using it --- for example, when EasyPG is trying to verify a PGP/MIME signature. I fixed that by renaming the defun in color-theme.el to `color-theme-replace-in-string', by adding a sed line in the build() function before the compilation. -- Carl Lei (XeCycle) Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University OpenPGP public key: 7795E591 Fingerprint: 1FB6 7F1F D45D F681 C845 27F7 8D71 8EC4 7795 E591