2012/9/22 Heiko Baums <lists@baums-on-web.de>:
Am Sat, 22 Sep 2012 11:00:59 +0200 schrieb "G. Schlisio" <g.schlisio@gmx.de>:
please stop trolling on this list. this is very disturbing and already resultet in devs unsubscribing from this list.
Sorry, but this is not trolling. This is just telling that I told it before, when almost everybody laughed at me and claimed how good and superior systemd is (an evolution *lol*). Now they have their first technical proof that it is not. And that's what they all always called for. Now they have it.
Let's dump every single technology younger the original unix one. This is better. You're a troll, nothing less. /me unsuscribe. Fed up with your crap and your lies. -- Frederic Bezies fredbezies@gmail.com