On 2021-10-26 18:26, Paul Dann via arch-general wrote:
Thanks; I had actually previously tried manually unpacking and re-packing the omni.ja file, but the step to remove the startupCache was new to me.
The cache clear is important, but also a mistake people make trying to patch the omni.ja file is not padding the replacement with spaces so everything is still in the expected byte positions.
I'm afraid the patch still didn't seem to work for me. I have the Shortkeys extension installed and set to block Ctrl+W, but the tab still closed when I pressed the dreaded shortcut. So I guess there's still something I'm missing.
The patch doesn't change the key binding in Firefox, it only unlocks it from the reserved bindings list so that you *can* remove the assignment or assign it to something else. After patching you still need to go into your Firefox binding configuration and remove or re-assign the CTRL-W to something else. Caleb