According to what I've found gpg-agent's ssh-agent should, as of version 2.0.21, support ECDSA keys, but still I can't add such a key: ~~~~ % ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa_gitlab Enter passphrase for /home/magnus/.ssh/id_ecdsa_gitlab: SSH_AGENT_FAILURE Could not add identity: /home/magnus/.ssh/id_ecdsa_gitlab ~~~~ I've verified that gpg-agent is properly set up by adding an RSA key: ~~~~ % ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa_test Enter passphrase for .ssh/id_rsa_test: Identity added: .ssh/id_rsa_test (.ssh/id_rsa_test) % ssh-add -l 2048 5a:5f:b5:ca:0c:d5:ba:dc:1d:4f:d8:13:5a:91:4e:69 .ssh/id_rsa_test (RSA) ~~~~ Am I doing something wrong here, or should I just use ssh-agent from OpenSSH instead (or stop using ECDSA keys)? /M -- Magnus Therning OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 email: jabber: twitter: magthe In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. -- The Peter Principle