Xavier wrote:
On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Allan McRae <mcrae_allan@hotmail.com> wrote:
I can confirm it does not happen with the official binaries, although the icons do not show but that could be because I ran it from my home directory. I have also rebuilt via abs to get branding and that does not help.
Time for a bug report....
And if anyone has the time, what happens when building a vanilla thunderbird, that is, without these 12 patches? :)
I just built it with absolutely minimal patches (one is needed to add -X11 to LDFLAGS), and there is still a problem. Looks like the latest thunderbird does not play nice with one of our libraries. To track this down will require building with most of the --enable-system-<lib> options removed from the mozconfig. Allan (CCed bug report)