Excerpts from David Rosenstrauch's message of Wed Jun 17 15:00:54 -0400 2009:
Just my $0.02, but bad idea. I'd think it's quite possible that you'd wind up with stray files hanging around by forcing pacman like this. It's never a good idea to leave system/app files hanging around that pacman doesn't know about, since you can wind up with weird file conflicts down the road.
Wouldn't it also leave a bunch of programs "installed" but possibly broken/unused? Furthermore, doesn't pacman now think that two packages are responsible for the same file in a bunch of cases? Wouldn't that mean that if you then tried to remove the unused program, it steals a bunch of the files that are used by another program? What a mess! -- Andrei Thorp Development Co-op Xandros andrei.thorp@xandros.com www.xandros.com Random Quote (man fortune) ========================== Reality is bad enough, why should I tell the truth? -- Patrick Sky