On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org> wrote:
stefan-husmann@t-online.de wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:28:36 +0100 Subject: Re: [arch-general] Moonlight 1.0 From: Amanai <amanai@freenet.de> To: "General Discusson about Arch Linux" <arch-general@archlinux.org> On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 03:19:55 -0800, Thomas Bohn <thomas@bohnomat.de> wrote:
On 01:25, Thu 22 Jan 09, Amanai wrote:
The final Version from Moonlight 1.0 released on January 20th. Will this be avaible in the Archlinux repo's extra?
Currently the SVN version of Moonlight is available via AUR, the package is called "moon-svn."
I pick this up. I don't want to build it and upload moonlight for AUR. I don't want to use any packages from AUR.
Archlinux have in Extra Repo's
flashplugin swfdec gnash libflashsupport
it is just missing "moonlight"!
File a feature request.
In all honesty, I would close this as a "won't fix". If no-one is motivated enough to make a package for the stable version for this in the AUR and the community does not then vote for it, the demand is obviously not high enough for it to be included in the main repos.
Agreed. We're not in the habit of adding packages to extra simply because of one noisy user. We need to ensure people will actually use it so we're not wasting our time.