Le Tue, 17 Nov 2009 13:23:25 -0600, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin@gmail.com> a écrit :
Aha, so this is the same as the "threaded vs nested comments" when it comes to web page commenting. As far as I know, that's a holy war no one will ever win.
Strange that you like Gmail-style but the comments on your own blog are nested ;) Otherwise, I am also searching for something a console application that could efficiently replace claws-mail (because I would like to use it through SSH and I don't like -X and the like) but I haven't found any for now. The best one I've tried is sup but its (and gmail's) model doesn't work well with mutiple mailoxes. I have seven, and I want to keep using all of them for receiving *and* sending messages, as they serve different purposes. Notmuch looks promising and I could maybe build a nice interface on top of it if I had more time / fewer projects / was less lazy... -- catwell