5 Aug
5 Aug
2:58 p.m.
On Saturday, August 5, 2023 8:16:55 AM EDT Jonathan Whitlock wrote:
I prefer a framework laptop. Honestly it's one of the best laptops I've ever owned -- it's super light, got excellent battery life, the power management is actually pretty good, all the firmware for it is totally open-source,
The EC firmware is open, but they're still using proprietary UEFI/BIOS, so it's not as open as this statement implies. There's a two year old thread on the framework forums discussing coreboot and how it's still not available: https://community.frame.work/t/responded-coreboot-on-the-framework-laptop/79... In terms of firmware openness, something like System76 would be a better choice. -- Cheers, Luna