On 26 February 2015 at 13:31, Maxime Gauduin <alucryd@archlinux.org> wrote:
LXDM is a different story because AFAIK it hasn't been officially abandonned, whereas the LightDM GTK2 greeter has, meaning I essentially become upstream if I continue to package it. Anyone is free to keep maintining it in AUR though, it won't be lost into oblivion. Also, as Ralf mentioned, even for a GTK2 desktop, the GTK3 greeter will work just fine if you can live with a few more megabytes.
As for the change of name, we always try to follow upstream's naming, the GTK2 drop is a good opportunity to abide by that. FTR nearly all other distros have had a single "lightdm-gtk-greeter" package for a while now, providing only the GTK3 greeter even when GTK2 was still an option.
Since a lot less people than I expected seem to object, I pushed 2.0.0 in [community-testing] for now, please give it a spin.
Cheers, -- Maxime
Here's a more official word on it: LXDM is discontinued. It will continue to receive minor and security-related updates, but we no longer recommend it, even for LXDE legacy. Use SDDM instead if possible. J. Leclanche