On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Carsten Mattner via arch-general <arch-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
In the past there have been just crashes or buggy behavior that only got fixed with the version-next++ and until then arch had to live with the broken and regressed version as the default since there wasn't a revoke/downgrade via the index. Since you can downgrade manually, the index ought to have mechanism for this too. Hope this makes sense.
Such a feature would mean all dependencies would be flagged for downgrades too, except when two packages a package depends on have been upgraded. then an intermediate version with package A_old and B_new. That should even be possible in the *usual* case, but we *would* need a plan for when that wasn't possible, which would mean forcing downgrade of package B because A_new cannot be satisfied because package C depends on either being compatible, and we're kind of dissolving the foundations of KISS on which arch is built. See what I mean? cheers! mar77i