Hi i686-fans, we threw together some scripts, and now beleive to have a more or less working build-system running (suggestion: prove us wrong!). [1] As you can see on [1a], there are currently some broken packages (some with upstream bugs, some without). The current bottleneck are all those packages without a reason for being "blocked". As you might have guessed from the subject line, we are currently looking for maintainers - or more precisely: for people, willing to track down problems in single packages (the ones mentioned above). How you can help: 1) Have a look at the build logs (linked on [1a] in the "compilations" column - older logs reside in [1b]). 2) Figure out, what's wrong. If it's necessary to build by yourself, use devtools32 [2a,2b] on a 64 bit machine. If you know, what you do, you can also use the original devtools on a 32 bit machine or vm (but make sure, you use our package repositories for building) 3) let fix or fix yourself by (in order of preference): 3a) fixing package upstream (e.g. in x86_64-archlinux or the upstream source) 3b) creating a package modification in [3]: create a pull request or (if you have write access), push the modification yourself 3c) notifying us (preferably on irc [4] or per mail) about what seems to be the problem 3d) if there is no hope: blacklisting the package in [5] Although 3a) is the prefered way of fixing, _do_not_ open bugs on [6] for packages which are broken on i686 and not x86_64 - at least not after November 2017. Also, if you open a bugreport on [6], report the x86_64 bug - otherwise it might get closed, because i686 won't be supported upstream at some point. Thanks in advance for your support! Cheers, deep42thought [1] https://buildmaster.archlinux32.org [1a] https://buildmaster.archlinux32.org/broken-packages.html [1b] https://buildmaster.archlinux32.org/build-logs/ [2a] https://github.com/archlinux32/devtools32 [2b] devtools32 from https://arch.eckner.net/archlinuxewe/os/x86_64/ [3] https://github.com/archlinux32/packages/$repo/$package/ [4] #archlinux-ports on irc.freenode.net [5] https://github.com/archlinux32/packages/blacklist [6] https://bugs.archlinux.org