On Sat, 10 Nov 2018 10:28:07 -0800, Jimi Bove wrote:
To make sure I'm not failing to meet any bug reproduction steps, here are my versions: ardour 5.12-7 gimp 2.10.6-2 gtk-theme-arc-git 659.766ae1a-1 xfce4-session 4.12.1-8 xfdesktop 4.12.4-2 xfwm4 4.12.5-1 compton 2.0-2
Ardour does cause issues for the OP, not for me, at least not the version I'm still using, 5.8, a local build, not from repositories. Gimp 2.10.6-2 is exactly the version from extra, that is terrible unstable on my install. Now 2.10.8-1 from extra is installed, but I didn't work with it and just test running gains nothing, since it tends to crash when doing real work and I don't know steps to reproduce a scenario to make it crash. There are a lot of reports that Gimp 2.10 is unstable for many users. My Arc theme is most likely based upon an Arc theme from August 2017 and probably needs an update. [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hld /usr/share/themes/Arc-RM-Cornflower/ drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4.0K Aug 16 2017 /usr/share/themes/Arc-RM-Cornflower/ [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ ls -hl .customization/openbox-* -rwxr-xr-x 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 2.0K Aug 16 2017 .customization/openbox-arc-cornflower-theme.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 3.6K Aug 16 2017 .customization/openbox-arc-theme.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 3.8K Aug 14 2017 .customization/openbox-profile-copy.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 3.1K Aug 14 2017 .customization/openbox-profile-diff.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 rocketmouse rocketmouse 1.8K Aug 13 2017 .customization/openbox-profile-rm.sh I'm not using a DE, just the WM openbox, it stays steady at 3.6 since a long time ago. [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep openbox\ .3.6 /var/log/pacman.log [2015-07-03 09:33] [ALPM] upgraded openbox (3.6-1 -> 3.6.1-1) [2015-12-12 06:21] [ALPM] upgraded openbox (3.6.1-1 -> 3.6.1-2) [2016-02-21 14:53] [ALPM] upgraded openbox (3.6.1-2 -> 3.6.1-3) [2018-06-26 07:47] [ALPM] upgraded openbox (3.6.1-3 -> 3.6.1-4) I don't know if any issue is related to the theme I'm using, but for testing purpose I soon or later will revert to adwaita.