On 2019-08-08 21:55:42 (+0200), SpotlightKid wrote:
anyone going to FrOSCon in St. Augustin, Germany, this weekend?
I'll probably be there on Saturday to listen to a few talks and generally mingle with the FLOSS crowd. If anyone wants to have a chat about audio on Arch, building audio AUR packages and related stuff, I'm up for it. Cool! I'll be there (plus a bunch of other Devs and TUs!)
We actually have a DevRoom in C117 [1]. Maybe you wanna do a talk on Saturday? I think a bunch of people got sick and can't make it [2]! Did a talk about pro-audio on Arch Linux last year. Not going to happen this year: Got a more web application /security centric topic prepared (or rather... still working on it ;-) ). Best, David [1] https://programm.froscon.de/2019/schedule/1.html#1 [2] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-events/2019-August/000629.html -- https://sleepmap.de