1 Jun
1 Jun
5:13 p.m.
Phrakbox, Phrakua, BoredAtWorkWM etc... time to shut up now
I can't wait for this perfect wm to come along. Don't call it phrakwm, because I'm sick of all the window managers with 'wm' in the title. Phrakstep, maybe, although there's enough of them out there with step in the title too... maybe Phrakdows, mwahahaha!
-- Martin Lefebvre eMail: dadexter@gmail.com WWW: https://sigterm.homeunix.com Registered Linux User #349269 -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GAT dpu s:-- a- C+++ UL++++ P-- L++++ E--- W+++ N++ o-- K- w--- O- M-- V-- PS PE Y PGP-- t+++ 5- X R- tv++ b+ DI-- D+ G-- e h++ r++ y** ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------