3 Apr
3 Apr
11:16 a.m.
Am 03.04.2012 12:39, schrieb Florian Pritz:
Indeed I did, sorry! I presume it is too late to move the tag?
Yeah you can't move tags in git. Just merge them and release a 2.7.3 (better) or
Also don't top post and I can't find your gpg key on pgp.mit.edu [1].
[1]: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=j.witteveen%40gmail.com&op=index
You also didn't "git am" his patches so you squashed both into 1 and you lost the commit messages which can be quite important when trying to figure out why a certain change has been made.
Well yes, this is important. Emailed patches must be git-am'ed, not just applied and re-commited.