Could the verbose option be streamlined in Currently we have: # Packages (airootfs) make_packages() { if [[ "${gpg_key}" ]]; then gpg --export "${gpg_key}" > "${work_dir}/gpgkey" exec 17<>"${work_dir}/gpgkey" fi if [ -n "${verbose}" ]; then ARCHISO_GNUPG_FD="${gpg_key:+17}" mkarchiso -v -w "${work_dir}/x86_64" -C "${work_dir}/pacman.conf" -D "${install_dir}" \ -p "$(grep -h -v '^#' "${script_path}/packages.x86_64"| sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')" install else ARCHISO_GNUPG_FD="${gpg_key:+17}" mkarchiso -w "${work_dir}/x86_64" -C "${work_dir}/pacman.conf" -D "${install_dir}" \ -p "$(grep -h -v '^#' "${script_path}/packages.x86_64"| sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g')" install fi if [[ "${gpg_key}" ]]; then exec 17<&- fi } In place of the -v could you not just have ${verbose} this would remove 5 lines of code (if statement) plus many other statements in script? MrG