[arch-releng] Automagic Profiles Loader
This code is to be automatically run from a custom Arch Boot Media, it will call aif with the best matching profile. Comments and suggestions welcome. #!/bin/bash # Proof of Concept - Automagic Profiles Loader # # BASIC HARDWARE DETECT # # MAC address - output each device on separate line?; array? mac=$(ifconfig -a | awk '/HWaddr/ {print $NF, $1}') #echo $mac # System Architecture - i686/x86_64 # could use CARCH? arch=$(uname -m) #echo $arch # CPU Brand, Model Name, Processors, Sockets, GHz, Family, Model, Stepping, Flags cpu=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk '/^vendor_id/ {print $NF; exit}') #cpu=$(uname -i) cpu2=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | awk '{ for (i=4; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i); exit }') #cpu2=$(uname -p) cpu3=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -c processor) cpu3a=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "cpu cores" | awk '/^cpu/ {print $NF; exit}') cpu4=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -c physical) # need a better way; total sockets, ht? cpu5=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz | awk '/^cpu/ {printf ("%4.1f",$NF/1000); exit}') cpu5=${cpu5}GHz cpu6=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk '/family/ {print $NF; exit}') cpu7=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk '/^model/ {print $NF; exit}') cpu8=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk '/^stepping/ {print $NF; exit}') cpu9=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags | awk ' { for (i=3; i<=NF; i++) printf("%s ", $i);exit }') #echo $cpu $cpu2 $cpu3 $cpu3a $cpu4 $cpu5 $cpu6 $cpu6a $cpu7 $cpu8 #echo $cpu9 # Mainboard Model Number, Chipset - need a much better way mb=$(dmesg | grep RSDT | awk '/^ACPI/ {print $6, $7}') #mb2=$(dmesg | grep RSDT) mb2=$(lspci | grep "Host Bridge") #echo $mb #echo $mb2 # Total RAM - GB mem=$(cat /proc/meminfo | awk '/^MemTotal/ {printf ("%5.1f",$2/1048576)}') mem=${mem/.0/}GB #echo $mem # Hard Disk Capacity - GB #hdd=$(fdisk -l | grep /dev/sda | awk '/^Disk/ {printf("%5.0f",$5/1000000000)}') hdd=$(cat /proc/partitions | grep sda | awk '/sda/ {printf("%5.0f",$3/1000000); exit}') if [[ ${hdd:2:1} =~[1-9] && ${#hdd} -ge 3 ]]; then hdd2=$((${hdd:0:1}+1))$(echo "${hdd//[1-9]/0}" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//g') else hdd2=$hdd fi hdd2=${hdd2}HD #echo $hdd $hdd2 # Video Card Vendor - Others? vga=$(lspci | grep VGA | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]") for i in ATI NVIDIA INTEL; do if [[ $vga == *${i}* ]]; then vga=$i fi done vga=VGA:$vga #echo $vga # VirtualMachine - Am I inside the Matrix? for i in VBOX VMWARE XEN KVM; do vm=$(dmesg | grep -i -o ${i}) if [[ $vm == *${i}* ]]; then vm=${i}; exit 0 fi done testline="$mac $arch $cpu $cpu2 $cpu3 $cpu4 $cpu5 $cpu6 $cpu7 $cpu8 $cpu9 $mem $hdd2 $vga $vm" #echo $testline # # PROFILE SELECTOR # #[ -r profiles ] cat profiles | while read line; do # Skip Comments and Empty Lines [[ ${line:0:1} == "#" ]] && continue [[ -z "$line" ]] && continue # Profile Filename if [[ ${line:0:1} == "[" ]] ; then answer=$(echo ${line//[/} | cut -d] -f1-1); continue else # Profile Parameters line=$(echo "$line" | cut -d \# -f1-1 | sed 's/[ \t]*$//') result="" # Match Engine for each_name in $line; do if [[ $testline == *$each_name* ]]; then result=$(echo $result $each_name) fi done # Complete Match? if [[ $result == $line ]]; then echo "Loading Profile..." echo "aif -p automatic -c $answer" exit 0 fi fi done # End of File
On Mon, 6 Apr 2009 00:22:11 +1000 Jud <jud@judfilm.net> wrote:
is there anything wrong with running in a vm? what's your goal here? preventing your script to work when it's run in a vm?
"$answer?" a name like "$profile" might make more sense here.
I checked your sample config and it looks nice imho. So it's all blocks of [profilename] with "matching rules" below it right? I'm asking because I remember you said you wanted to be able to reboot automatically if aif exited successfully. So I was thinking you could put such parameters like reboot_on_success in there. (below the matching rules, on a per-profile basis). to make your code able to recognize what is a matching rule and what's an option you could maybe do like this (just an idea): [profilename] match matching rule 1 match matching rule 2 option variable value Also i would avoid caps as much as possible, it always make it easier in code if you can know you never need to convert between upper and lowercase. PS: APL seems like a good name to me Dieter
On Sun, 5 Apr 2009 16:54:00 +0200 Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
No, nothing at all. My idea was to "know" as much about the system and provide "hooks" for future use. Another idea was to detect the current installed OS on the HDD and provide hooks for the possibility of an automated install to create a Dual/Multi Boot system.
The "success" part of the script was just to show it selected the correct profile. My idea here is to have it run aif then send an email report and automatically reboot.
Each line is a rule and it relates to a certain hardware configuration. Each rule can be as many of the tests to try and uniquely identify the system. The rule must match completely for the profile to be selected. There can be multiple rules per profile. At the moment the matching logic will only select the first complete rule, so generic type profiles should be at the bottom of the file. Filenames: This is still very much in the air, atm I have "profiles" and not sure which directory it should live in. Any ideas, comments would be appreciated. For each profiles filename what would be better $profile, $profile.profile, $profile.aif, $profile.apl?
I'd rather not have any options in the profiles file but never say never.
Thanks, this stage of the development is like "throwing mud at the wall". After trying to make it more robust and the obvious cleanups, I need to work out how to make this autoload after grub and still have the default options on the default boot media.
PS: APL seems like a good name to me
On Mon, 6 Apr 2009 11:44:31 +1000 Jud <jud@judfilm.net> wrote: probably still need to clean that up...
If you really think you need this, feel free to implement. I don't think I'll ever need this.
I'm not sure.. right now we use /usr/lib/aif/user/ for user modules (libraries+procedures). But I feel that configs/profiles don't really belong there. Another option could be /etc, but I think they don't belong there either because they are not really config files like the others. Maybe /var/lib/aif/profiles ? Input very welcome for this. I would not use any extension.
On Mon, 6 Apr 2009 13:28:03 +0200 Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
Guys, what would be a suited location to install user profiles? (eg config files for the automatic procedure that would contain settings for specific systems of the user) /var/lib/aif/profiles ?
participants (2)
Dieter Plaetinck