2018-03-21 9:49 GMT+08:00 morganamilo <morganamilo@gmail.com>:
I think it would be like: HTTP GET /rpc/?v=5&type=provides&arg[]=java-environment&arg[]=libgala.so {"version":5,"type":"provides","resultcount":2,"results": "java-environment": [] // might be list of package names or list of "info" "libgala.so": [] }
Pacman can "-S" and "-Ss" by provides so I would prefer to have the option to search by provides in type=info and type=search rather than a new type=provides. Also I would like each option to be indivudually settable, so "provides", "name" and "desc" can be set indipendantly. I think I'm looking for an alpm_find_satisifier equivalent rather than a pacman -Ss equalviant, and that's why I'm proposing a new type=provides.
For type=info after thinking again, is it a) The dependencies providers' details are listed in the "Depends" "MakeDepends" "OptDepends" b) The "results" items are unchanged, but querying a name not only returns the package name that matches, but also their provides array matches. That is ?type=info&arg[]=java-environment would return resultcount > 1 or something else? I think b) would work for me, I will just have to verify the version afterwards with vercmp in that case.