21 Feb
21 Feb
4:16 p.m.
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Loui <louipc.ist@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2/21/08, Callan Barrett <wizzomafizzo@gmail.com> wrote:
It seems like it can be anything, I've tried tu, dev, user and about 10 or so of the fake accounts from the dummy data. Doesn't seem like it's a problem with the user name.
Can you create a user and try on my test site? http://aur.louipc.dontexist.org
I don't know could be something with the config, or the DB Maybe I could try with a fresh AUR install and a fresh DB and see what happens.
Works perfectly on your copy but still nothing on mine, this is really confusing. :/ Can anyone else try this out on a fresh AUR? -- Callan 'wizzomafizzo' Barrett