On 16/05/2020 21.01, Levente Polyak via aur-general wrote:
I'm happy to _already_ work with you as you are doing a great job on the bugtracker. I hope we won't loose your power wrangling that beast :D
Thank you. I'll stick to bug wrangling :)
I managed to cut some free time to review all your packages, so here comes the feedback,
Some comments below.
$ xxarhtna --user freswa
adobe-icc: - could use TLS in url and source, because why not :} - would be a good idea to reuse $pkgver in source=()
I explicitly decided against using the ${pkgver} in the source, as the version never changes. Adobe CS4 has long been superseded and there is and probably never will be an update for this. I don't see the improvement in this case. Please enlighten me :P
chisel: dovecot-xaps-daemon: dovecot-xaps-daemon-git: dovecot-xaps-plugin: dovecot-xaps-plugin-git: duperemove-git:
exfat-dkms-git: - shouldn't this package be named exfat-nofuse-dkms-git ? its not just exfat-dkms, this is in fact exfat-nofuse
renamed to exfat-nofuse-dkms-git - merge request submitted
exfat-utils-nofuse: flexbox-udev: gimp-plugin-separate+: gtkhotkey: heif: jtool-bin: latex-tuda-ci: libpurple-lurch:
nameinator: - must not use 'go get' on a repo as thats not reproducible
Sadly upstream does not provide vendoring or go modules. I filled a request to use go modules and will fix this when it lands in a release.
onivim2: onivim2-git: open-ecard-git: OpenBoardView: or-tools-java: parcimonie-sh-git pass-sshaskpass:
renamed to pass-sshaskpass-git - merge request submitted
- pkgname is wrong as this is in fact a -git package, but the name makes it a static version one
pdfposter: perl-ntlm: pinentry-rofi: python-requests-gpgauthlib: - repo seems to contain unit tests, would be worth running in a check() function
Tests fail atm. I filled an upstream bugreport and I will add the tests once things are sorted out.
talosctl: tbt: thunderbird-nightly: - this is not a source build and hence must be postfixed with -bin
renamed to thunderbird-nightly-bin - merge request submitted
tomighty:> tpacpi-bat-git: wrench: xfce-polkit: xfce-polkit-git:
Fixed. Changes can be found here: https://github.com/freswa/aur/commit/c3778f6bda345f0165289f3a57d36047e6ba593... Thank you for doing the review :) Cheers Frederik