On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Daniel J Griffiths <ghost1227@archlinux.us>wrote:
Ray Kohler wrote:
For a while now, I've been adopting packages that I'm not actually interested in, and in some cases don't really even understand, just because I have the time to help out and want to be a nice guy. I'm having second thoughts about the wisdom of this. Should I orphan these packages, on the off-chance that somebody more appropriate wants to own them? Is a mediocre maintainer better than no maintainer?
If you feel the need to abandon a package or two, feel free to let us know... someone will probably be happy to take them off your hands. :P
Ok, I've orphaned the following packages, which are ether difficult in some way for me, or for which I would be unable to support any problems users may find: dvdwizard eclim festival-hts-voices ffmpeg-pspvc go-oo-bin-base krb5-crypto lib32-freeglut lib32-gmp lib32-jdk lib32-libasyncns lib32-libcap lib32-libopenssl2 lib32-libsasl lib32-libvorbis lib32-libxp lib32-pulseaudio lib32-xulrunner libcapi20 libtorrent-unstable megamario nspluginwrapper-ubuntu paq8 poco qtjambi shrip sysbench task veusz vilefault virtualbox_bin_additions x264-pspvc