Hello, since I'm really new to archlinux and the AUR I would like to get some comments on my first package, derived from an existing one: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tdom/ Since the update to tcl 8.6 it is not possible to build the package. Their is no current tagged version so I have created a git-version of the PKGBUILD: https://gist.github.com/4614862 So besides any comment to make the PKGBUILD better, I have the following questions: What's best: make a new package tdom-git that uses the github master branch or just change the current package? Or make a "stable" package that uses the last tagged version and patch the support for tcl 8.6? (and maybe make a git package too) The current maintainer wants to hand over the package. What are the right steps for this? Best regards Uwe