On 20 November 2017 at 17:40, Jeremy Audet via aur-general < aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
well, i beg your pardon if i made the assumption that TU and the entire AUR structure was smart enough to understand a merge request of a differently-owned package as an orphan request for a clearly fixed
i humbly beseech myself towards your graces and fall upon my sword for expecting common sense of process.
At my workplace, someone displaying this kind of attitude will be fired. At my home, someone displaying this kind of attitude will be kicked out, Thanksgiving or no.
This person thinks other people live with an AUR browser tab open and their finger on F5. Having missed the first error report I left it unattended, but as soon as I saw the second one today I fixed it. Still, I got within hours apart notices of impatient comments, merge and orphan requests. Dude, let us breathe. Orphaned it, have fun. Just stop nagging, please. -- X https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=nous