7 Apr
7 Apr
3:07 p.m.
apparently this is not the farsight2 package. 2009/4/7 Angel Velásquez <angvp@archlinux.com.ve>
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Lucas Salies Brum <lucas@archlinux.com.br> wrote:
My first package in AUR was submitted today, someone could check to see if I did not crap? http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=19751
This package shouldn't be on [extra].. ? Since is an optdepend from amsn .. can any clarify this?
Thank you.
Your welcome.
-- Angel Velásquez angvp @ irc.freenode.net Linux Counter: #359909