The projects names are same to the aur pkg's names, it's better to mention the diffrents in PKGBUILD's pkgdesc, not to change the aur names! 2012/2/19 郑文辉(Techlive Zheng) <>
2012/2/19 郑文辉(Techlive Zheng) <>:
In AUR, there are two svn2git packages, [svn2git][1] and [svn2git-git][2].
At first, I thought that the later one is the git version of the first,then it turns out that they are to different packages.
The first one is Kevin Menard's ruby version, accturally a ruby gem. Here is the project page:
The second one is Thomas Zander's c version svn2git, hosted on Here is the project page:
I can't tell the deference between them, but I think it is better one of them changed to an other name. Condering the first one is an ruby gem package, so if it is better to change it to ruby-nirvdrum-svn2git or nirvdrum-svn2git in which nirvdrum-svn2git is the gem name.
I am not sure about this, so I post here to ask you guys' opinion.
Sorry, forgot the link.
[1]: [2]: